blogging, content creation, content creator, small youtuber


Hey Guys

After Blogmas I’ve taken a Blog Break but aiming to get back into it as soon as possible. Will need to sit down and jot down some ideas but there are some I have in mind. I will of course continue my posts on the Top 10 Episodes of my Top 10 Favourite TV Shows as there are some shows I havent done yet. I will of course do some more personal posts as there is other stuff I want to talk about in regards to personal developments.

I also want to do some posts on Mental Health as well as it is such an important topic today and my masters definitely took it’s toll.


blogging, Blogmas, blogmas 2019, Christmas, christmas 2019


Well since it’s only 12/13 days till we ring in 2020, I thought it wouldnt hurt to make astart on thinking what my resolutions will be this New Year. Have you though about yours and more importantly will you stick to them. That is really a two way street question but we can all only do our best and try. Anyway here are some resolutions I aim to fulfil this year


I know I say this every year and in all honesty I more or less stick with it but during the stress of my Masters, it was Cookies Pizzas and all the other unhealthy horrors. I am still carrying these habits months after the Masters has ended but I aim to start a clean food slate this year


Like any typical man my cooking skills are lacking and of course this can contribute to reaching for the handiest option as in the Pizza or something else unhealthy. I aim to learn how cook more stuff like Vegtables and other meals, all without burning the house down of course. That way I can prepare nice lunches and dinners that will be good for the heart and health plus saving money on take-aways


As someone who will be going into the professional enviroment for work once I find a job, there are many skills I can bring to the workplace but leadership is one I feel i want to develop. Leadership as a skill would serve me when I progress further in my career and help build my confidence further so I aim to use this year to further enchance this skill.

Anyway these are some of my resolutions for 2020, No doubt I think of some more when the time comes.

autumn, autumn tag, autumnal, blogging, content creation, content creator, content marketing, film blog, film reviews, halloween, horror films, scary movies, scooby doo


Well I decided to start the Halloween Posts with something simple, last year I did the Autumn and Halloween Tags so I found this, the Horror Movie Tag. Being a big Horror Movie Fan I could not pass up the chance to do this and will definitely do this as part of my Halloween Vlogs. Anyway if you enjoyed this then feel free to undertake the tag yourself. And now onto the Horror Movie Tag

1: What is the first horror movie you remember watching? 

Bram Stokers Dracula (1992). I was 10 and had a Ladybird Hardcover Book of Dracula with some great illustrations. The movie was comming on one night and my parents let me watch it. It was one of the few scary movies they let me watch but I loved it, it captures the horror and chills of the book and story so perfectly and aside from the 1931 Bela Lugosi Version it is the best adaption of the book

2: What is your Favourite Horror Movie?

Undoubedtly it has to be Scream (1996), it is such a great horror movie. Those first 10 minutes with Drew Barrymore being terrorized by the killer always send a shiver down my spine. The atmosphere within the film as Sydney is unsure of whom she can trust and who is the masked killer plus it one of those horror movies with some pretty great lines.

3: What is your Favourite Horror Movie Genre?

It has to be either Supernatural or Slasher. I just love supernatural films like The Conjuring, The Nun, Insidious and slashers like Halloween, Friday the 13th and Scream. Both genres have those type of scenes that scare the hell out of me.

4: What Genre scares you the most?

Same as the above answer, both Supernatural and Slasher have those type of scene that scare the hell out of me such as the Nun Picture scene in Insidious or the opening 10 minutes of Scream. Both type of movies have plenty of great scares.

5: What is the last horror movie you watched that actually scared you? 

Halloween (2018) the scenes with Micheal Myers are pretty scary such as the scene where he kills the journalists in the bathroom or where he appears in the closet and kills the babysitter. The fact he is always so silent makes him 10 times freakier

6: Who is your ultimate scream queen? 

Neve Cambell, she’s such a great actress in Scream who has been through so much and comes out so much stronger. She is just badass at the end when she dons the costume and gives Bill his final comeuppance.

7: What’s a concept that you’d like to see in horror?

Not exactly sure about concepts but I would like to see a return of classic slashers with badass Final Girls instead of the watered down whinny millennial nonsense we see nowadays

8: What is your favorite on screen kill?  

Well there are so many great kill scenes but I really love the scene where Mrs. Voorhees has her head cut off by the Final Girl in the first Friday the 13th. It’s just so badass

9: Whats your Favourite Horror Franchise?

It has to be either The Conjuring, Insidious or Friday the 13th. They are all just so awesome it’s hard to pick just one

10: Who’s your favorite horror director? 

Either Wes Craven or James Wan. Both had created some great Horror like Scream, Insididious and The Conjuring. Both has such ideas and vision for thier craft and weaving a great tale of horror and fear.

autumn, autumn tag, autumnal, blogging, books, content creation, content creator, content marketing, halloween, horror films, leaves, scary movies, youtuber


Hi Guys

As we proceed through October and the Autumn colors reveal themself, we prepare for the countdown to Halloween. I love Halloween and looking at all the Halloween stuff and decorations in the shops give me some great ideas for Halloween Vlog Content but dont worry there will be plenty of content on this page

I have ideas for plenty of Halloween Blog content and cant wait to get started. As we have only just enetered october I aim to start posting Halloween Content around the 15th/17th as it is too early just yet.