autumn, autumnal, blogtober, halloween, october


As we finally enter October and Autumn begins to show it’s beautiful colours I decided it was only fitting to begin Blogtober on this note. There are Five Key Reasons why I love Autumn and I will use this post to explain why exactly this is my Favourite Season and I’m sure for those of you are who also love this time of year will strongly agree.


Undoubtedly the top reason I love Autumn as ever year I look so forward to the seasonal trasnformation into those Autumnal Colours of Golds, Reds and Browns. It all looks so Beautiful and Picture Perfect and as a Photographer I go all out and take so many pictures in the Woods and the Park. Those Autumnal colours really brighten up the Woodland area and the leaves all over the paths almost create a golden road effect. Above is a Photo from Autumn Last Year so I cannot wait for these colours to reveal themselves.


My Favourite Autumnal drink and I certainly drink plenty of them ever October. I always drink the Starbucks one but I’m thinking of trying them in other cafes that offer them for a bit of variety. There is nothing better than that lovely pumpkinish spicy taste to get you into that autumnal frame of mind.


With the Winter Weather beginning to make itself felt there is no better time to pull out the winter woolies/sweaters. I have plenty but I love perusing shops like Primark to find new ones and as you can see in the photos above I have begun to pull them out as I feel that chill in the air. Winter Woolies/Knitwear are the perfect autumnal fashion to enjoy that autumn weather and colours.


One of the main reasons I love October is getting ready for Halloween and decorating the house to make it look all spooky. As someone into Gothic Literature, and Horror Movies, the dark and macabre has always been a big interest of mine. I absolutely love going into the Pound Shops and seeing all the spooky new Halloween Decorations and buying some new stuff to make the Halloween Decorating more creepy as after all the errier the better. Below are some new items I picked up at the Pound Shop.


Nothing better in the October/Halloween season than relaxing with a great Halloween Movie to give you that Halloween Feeling. I just love to stick on the Horror and Halloween Movies and watch them all October long. There is of course one Halloween Movie I absolutely love to watch at least 100 times every Halloween and unless you’ve already guessed it, that Movie is Hocus Pocus. I just love watching this Movie Bette Middler is both hilarious and divine throughout it. I have also ordered a Hocus Pocus T-Shirt so now I have something I can wear when watching the Movie.

Anyway that concludes my First Blogtober Post and why exactly I just LOVE the Autumnal Season. I’m sure there are plenty of you that will 100% agree with everything on this list.

Happy Blogtober Folks

autumn, blogging, blogtober, halloween


Well We are heading towards late September, by golly the time does fly and we soon to enter October and the season of Autumn will soon be upon us. In all honesty I wish the summery weather would disapear so Autumn can begin (Come at me Haters). I love all those things about Autumn, the changing seasonal colours, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Knitwear/Jumpers Halloween and Halloween Movies (Mainly Scary Ones). Of course given recent circumstances Halloween will be a very different affair this year what with COVID19 but that does not mean we cannot still enjoy it in other ways.

This brings me to the main subject of this post, that being Blogtober. I will also be doing Vlogtober but will aim to keep the content for both things different and have some variety. I am looking forward to getting started with Blogtober and already have some great ideas for posts but until October there will be no spoilers. I have of course been doing a spot of Halloween Shopping for decorations not just for the house but for my Vlogtober Videos. Check them out below

Anyway I aimed to be short and sweet with this post so to conclude stay tuned for some spooky Blogtober content


autumn, autumn tag, autumnal, blogging, content creation, content creator, content marketing, film blog, film reviews, halloween, horror films, scary movies, scooby doo


Well I decided to start the Halloween Posts with something simple, last year I did the Autumn and Halloween Tags so I found this, the Horror Movie Tag. Being a big Horror Movie Fan I could not pass up the chance to do this and will definitely do this as part of my Halloween Vlogs. Anyway if you enjoyed this then feel free to undertake the tag yourself. And now onto the Horror Movie Tag

1: What is the first horror movie you remember watching? 

Bram Stokers Dracula (1992). I was 10 and had a Ladybird Hardcover Book of Dracula with some great illustrations. The movie was comming on one night and my parents let me watch it. It was one of the few scary movies they let me watch but I loved it, it captures the horror and chills of the book and story so perfectly and aside from the 1931 Bela Lugosi Version it is the best adaption of the book

2: What is your Favourite Horror Movie?

Undoubedtly it has to be Scream (1996), it is such a great horror movie. Those first 10 minutes with Drew Barrymore being terrorized by the killer always send a shiver down my spine. The atmosphere within the film as Sydney is unsure of whom she can trust and who is the masked killer plus it one of those horror movies with some pretty great lines.

3: What is your Favourite Horror Movie Genre?

It has to be either Supernatural or Slasher. I just love supernatural films like The Conjuring, The Nun, Insidious and slashers like Halloween, Friday the 13th and Scream. Both genres have those type of scenes that scare the hell out of me.

4: What Genre scares you the most?

Same as the above answer, both Supernatural and Slasher have those type of scene that scare the hell out of me such as the Nun Picture scene in Insidious or the opening 10 minutes of Scream. Both type of movies have plenty of great scares.

5: What is the last horror movie you watched that actually scared you? 

Halloween (2018) the scenes with Micheal Myers are pretty scary such as the scene where he kills the journalists in the bathroom or where he appears in the closet and kills the babysitter. The fact he is always so silent makes him 10 times freakier

6: Who is your ultimate scream queen? 

Neve Cambell, she’s such a great actress in Scream who has been through so much and comes out so much stronger. She is just badass at the end when she dons the costume and gives Bill his final comeuppance.

7: What’s a concept that you’d like to see in horror?

Not exactly sure about concepts but I would like to see a return of classic slashers with badass Final Girls instead of the watered down whinny millennial nonsense we see nowadays

8: What is your favorite on screen kill?  

Well there are so many great kill scenes but I really love the scene where Mrs. Voorhees has her head cut off by the Final Girl in the first Friday the 13th. It’s just so badass

9: Whats your Favourite Horror Franchise?

It has to be either The Conjuring, Insidious or Friday the 13th. They are all just so awesome it’s hard to pick just one

10: Who’s your favorite horror director? 

Either Wes Craven or James Wan. Both had created some great Horror like Scream, Insididious and The Conjuring. Both has such ideas and vision for thier craft and weaving a great tale of horror and fear.

autumn, autumn tag, autumnal, blogging, books, content creation, content creator, content marketing, halloween, horror films, leaves, scary movies, youtuber


Hi Guys

As we proceed through October and the Autumn colors reveal themself, we prepare for the countdown to Halloween. I love Halloween and looking at all the Halloween stuff and decorations in the shops give me some great ideas for Halloween Vlog Content but dont worry there will be plenty of content on this page

I have ideas for plenty of Halloween Blog content and cant wait to get started. As we have only just enetered october I aim to start posting Halloween Content around the 15th/17th as it is too early just yet.