gay pride, lgbtq, pride, pride month, pride week



It’s that time of year again where we celebrate being part of such a Fun, Colorful and Utterly Fabulous Community. That being said we always celebrate it whatever time of year it is

I just wanted to write a small message wishing everyone a Happy Pride Month and to always be yourself and proud of who you are. Family Members, love, support and be Proud if you know someone who is LGBTQ.

Thanks For Reading and HAPPY PRIDE.

gay, gay pride, lgbt, pride, pride month


This first week of June marks the beginning of Pride Month and my first as an out loud and proud LGBTQ person/Gay Man. I had been very much looking forward to pride Month and all the parades and parties but COVID19 of course has called a halt to all public celebrations. Disapointing as that is it does not mean we all cannot celebrate. Using all the online resources at our disposal like Social Media and Video Platforms we can share our pride and connect with other LGBTQ People. Back in January after coming out I wrote a post on my Coming Out story and I plan to do a video about this Month

I can of course share this time with my family – Socially Distanced of course as they have been so loving and supportive. Overall it is great to welcome in this month of pride and further embrace my life as a gay man. Equality is very important nowadays and with recent events such as all the protests over the tragedy of George Floyd we all need to remember that EVERYONE MATTERS, EVERYONE IS EQUAL, PEOPLE CAN LOVE WHO THEY WANT TO LOVE. I of course miss my fellow gay friends at this time and hope they are keeping safe and well and when all this is over we can meet up and have the best of craic.

Given that I have already posted my Coming Out Story, That does not mean I cannot post other LGBTQ Content on here. I today found an Pride Month Calender in which on each day you embrace/celebrate something about LGBTQ culture like music/movies people. Have a look yourself if there is something about LGBTQ culture you wish to celebrate.

I also have a few ideas about other content I could create. But until then


break the stigma, mental health, mental health awareness


This is Part 2 of talking about my own Mental Health. This next part see’s me talk about my Coming Out and the fears I had of doing it. I also want to talk about some of the things that helped me feel better and more at ease. I had originally planned to do it all in one post but that would have been too long a post including the Masters stuff.

Coming Out

I already covered my Coming Out Story in a previous post but I wanted to use this to adress some of the fears I had about doing so. When preparing to come out I was not at all worried about my familys reaction as I knew they would all be awesome about it which was the case thankfully. I guess what really frightened me was homophobia, I live in Ireland which is moving with the times but homophobia still exists sadly. To explain this what scared me was hearing/reading about homophobic attacks outside Gay Bars or even inside. I started to feel worried that when I started going to these places I would be leaving myself vunerable to an attack.

I’m sure many others in the LGBT Community can relate to these fears and I even started questioning if Coming Out was right at all and should I try and act straight. Yes I know that is not possible and denying yourself would not be the best thing to do. I changed my outlook on this after coming out to my family and the loving, positive reaction was the resolve I needed to not be afraid. Having my Family’s love and support on this means the world to me and allowed me to let go of that fear and not let homophobia/bigotry dominate my fears. It really shows that when your Family fully stand by you then you dont fel afraid of outside factors, in my case Homophobia. I hope this relatable with readers and like me I hope you have a loving family by your side. In some situations I know that may not be the case but there is support available so dont be afraid to reach out, you are not alone.

If you would like to read my Coming Out Story then click the Link below.

Puppy Love

For this final section I want to talk aboutn something that helped me feel more at ease and relaxed me mentally. I am a huge Dog Lover and I always help, look after and walk my Cousins Dogs so they count as my dogs too. After coming home from Dublin every Friday I would call up to my cousins house to see the Dogs, My favourite one Ziggy was always happy to see me and that sweet face made me smile so much. That is Ziggy in the photo below and isnt she a sweet little darling

Looking for Squirrels and Birdies (Awk Bless)

And the other Dog in the Below Photo is Molly, isnt she a Lovely Lassie

Smile for the Camera Pups

Anyway I loved taking the dogs for their walkies as walking is good for the all aspects of our health and in a way (Proabably watching too much Disney) you feel have a friend with you. For me getting out fora walk with the dogs is a great to relax and feel so much more postive. I am also an Avid Photographer and take a lot of pictures of the dogs so it really good and stimulating for the mind to get good angles and different backgrounds to photograph them against. For me all of this a great way to feel positive and relax, Dogs are great for calming anxiety and giving hugs too as well as they are so cute and fluffy. Anyway, I know everyone have different methods/ways to feel internally relaxed and positive but this is mine. Walking the Dogs and being around them is great for my Mental Health. There are also other things that I enjoy and rather than go on and on I will give you a brief list


Listening to Music



What do you find helps you relax when it comes to mental health, I hope it brings you much needed positivity and calm.

Thank for Reading Part 2 of this Blog talking about my own Mental Health, it was good to be able to share my own stories and some of the challenges I faced along the way. Anyway Thank you for reading.


gay, gay pride, lgbt, lgbtq, pride


Today marks the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. An important day for the LGBTQ Community and for Ireland this Month marks 5 Years since the Marriage equality referendum.

Never be afraid to be Yourself 🌈🌈

LOVE IS LOVE 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

I am proud of who I am and to be a part of the LGBTQ Community 🦄

There is no place in the 21st Century for bigotry or homophobia of any kind

Be proud of who you are 🏳️‍🌈