1930s, 1940s, blogtober, halloween, horror, horror films


Last post was my Top 10 Favourite Horror Movies so I decided this post would be my honourable mentions. What I mean by honourable mentions are films that very nearly made it onto my Top 10 Favourite Horror Movies List, like I said it was a tough list with many contenders. There are 13 films on the list so I will try to keep it as brief as possible without going on and on. Again these are Horrors I fully recommend you check out.

1: DRACULA (1931)

  • Bela Lugosi is perfectly chilling and malevolent as Dracula and dominates the picture with his sinister presence. His hynoptic stare really adds t the chills and charm of his evil character
  • The Black and White Gothic Style is beautiful and perfectly creates the atmosphere of both the film and Bram Stokers Novel


  • Boris Karloff amazingly portrays the complex character of Frankensteins Monster showing both his evil and softer side.
  • The “It’s Alive It’s Alive” scene is an iconic scene perfectly creating the feelings of shock and tension

3: THE WOLFMAN (1941)

  • Lon Chaney Jr is perfectly cast as the cursed Lawrence Talbot as a character we both feel empathy for and fear at the same time.
  • The Black and White Cinematography beautifull creates the chilling atmosphere

4: PSYCHO (1960)

  • A Masterful tale of horror and suspense from the imagination of the Great Hitchcock himself with all those beautiful Hitchcockian Touches.
  • Anthony Perkins is a masterclass in chills and malevolence and his scenes are a credit to this as he dominates the picture

5: THE HAUNTING (1960)

  • The sinister atmosphere projected through the walls of Hill House make it almost feel like another character as it is unknown what forces lurk in the shadows.
  • The breakdown of Nell adds a touch of greek tragedy as she falls victim to the evil spell of Hill House.

6: HALLOWEEN (1979)

  • The build up to Micheal and Lauries confrontation is perfectly crafted as Micheal sinisterly watches from the shdows and kills his way to the conclusion is perfect horror suspense. Add in the fact Micheal is silent throughout the whole film adds to the evil of his character

7: FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 (1981)

  • The introduction of Jason and the first of his many rampages is perfect horror as the Character kills his way through the teens. The conclusion with the Final Girl as she tries to fool him by acting like his Mother is pure chills and thrills

8: SCREAM 2 (1997)

  • A Perftectly Crafted Horror Sequel filled with suspicious and complex characters, any of which could be the Killer this time. The scare scenes are filled with tension and terror from CiCi’s Death to the tension filled scene where Randy is tormened by the Killer.

9: SCREAM 3 (2000)

  • This film does a have a few issues but otherwise it’s a great Horror that also pays tribute to and echoes the first film through the scenes of on the movie set of Sidney and Stu’s house. Feels very chilling and surreal
  • The Killer’s twisted games and thier links to the past of Sidney’s mother add plenty of intrigue to the plot.


  • Delving into the story of The Bride in Black was genius and how this Frightening Character came to be created. Viusally the Bride in Black is a malevolent frightening entity
  • The visuals of the further are chilling make the scenes set there all the more spooky creating the perfect horror atmosphere.

11: IT CHAPTER 1 (2017)

  • Bill Skarsgård is perfect as Pennywise and conveys all those malevolent qualities not to mention some of his Dastardly Delicious One Liners. He dominates the picture with Malevolent Magnificence

12: THE NUN (2018)

  • This Film did have problems but I still think it’s a great watch and the Abbey almost feels like another character with evil and danger luring around every corner.
  • Taissa Farmiga plays Sister Irene perfectly as the Young Nun dtermined to find her calling and hold onto her faith.

13: IT CHAPTER 2 (2019)

  • Bill Skarsgård returns to the mantle of Pennywise with many new twisted forms to terrorise the Losers Club. Like the first film he lurks in the shadows killing anyone in his path and let’s not forget the scenes at the Baseball Game and the Funhouse

Well that wraps up the Honourable Mentions and another set of Awesome Horror Films I fully recommend you check out this Halloween.


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